Did you know we have a selection of teas just for kids?
Children love their own special tea things and tea time. A favorite color teapot, a special cup, little cubes of sugar, and a tea that tantalizes their taste buds and imagination. Try our Vanilla Berry Cupcake, Wild Cherry or Gummy Bear blend! All caffeine free and delicious!
Add a fun treat to go with it and all of a sudden, your kids will have a new shared interest and calming way to spend some time together. And, by all means, bring out the good China!
Kids can prepare something to share, from a bowl of nuts, deviled eggs, or even just a jelly bean or two. Fancy chefs-to-be may like to use cookie cutters to make a finely shaped sandwich (anything from peanut butter to cucumbers!) and tiny cut desserts. (Why is it that cutting something small always makes it look so fancy?) Don't forget to divide the food into courses so everyone's contribution is appreciated.
Add conversational tidbits like a folded paper fortune teller, books from which everyone has to read just one line aloud (dramatically of course). Dr. Seuss is always a good place to start! Take out a map to look at places they have been or where they'd like to go. Or even set aside time to put on boas and gloves, or a necktie and talk about best manners. (Yes, really.)
When the weather is nice, spread out a big blanket and take the whole things outside! Teddy Bears included!